OK, that was harder than GenCon. Five days of constant talking. My voice is trashed. I’m exhausted. I only had an hour or two to wander the halls, and the crowds were overwhelming. In the exhibition area, our neighboring booths were pounding bass, occasionally overwhelming our sound system.
But. BUT.
The experience was extraordinarily fun, gratifying, and satisfying. I met a pile of fantastic people, got to thank backers in person, learned from new gamers and old alike that what we’re creating is exactly the experience they sought. Ran into fans of my tabletop work. People told me that Planescape: Torment changed their lives (all praise to Avellone!), and that what they saw of TTON made them believe that we would be a worthy companion to our predecessor.
Now I’m ready to return to work behind a screen, instead of standing in front of rooms full of people.
Just waiting for the Techland people to finish breaking down the booth and then we’re headed out for dinner and drinks. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures.

Our Torment survivors.

One of the shirts and ties that I never got to wear. (I was prepared to dress like a professional guy. No need, it turns out!)

Goodbye, Gamescom.